Along with extra ad slots these themes also come with many features whether its responsiveness, SEO optimization, fast loading speed, widgets ready, social media-ready, or clean typography, it full fill every basic requirement. Since these templates are loaded with built-in ad slots and have perfectly placed ad slots, these themes also provide other options for making an ideal blog, whether you want to make a news blog, personal, tech, travel, fashion, magazine, movie, micro-niche or any other blog, it will help you to craft a balanced fusion of ads and content in order to get best user experience. Loaded with various options you can place ads from the layout or even directly into the code. Made with ultimate perfection, these themes are built with the latest generation framework and new trends like HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery, which will help you to customize and also show ads in the right places. So you can place your Ads easily with google AdSense or any other ad network. These Blogger Templates are already optimized for advertising and templates compatible with AdSense or other ad networks.
The main specialty of this template is perfectly placed ad slots, Which are extremely beneficial for improved earnings. Ads Ready Blogger Templates are very SEO-friendly and optimized blogger themes.